Our backbone lies in...

What we do

Werise Solutions Limited is a niche agency that empowers people to build a positive brand of themselves. We focus on providing you with the best insights to make a lasting first impression in your personal and professional life. We offer you technology-backed insights into how to highlight your top skills, possible career paths, and online branding. Whether starting in life or embracing a second chance, we will support you in attaining your better tomorrow.

Problem Statement

Skilled professionals and graduating students face challenges in identifying ideal career paths matching their qualifications often ending up in roles that do not utilize their skills.

AI-Backed Algorithm

WeRise Solutions seeks to provide an AI-Backed algorithm to find perfect match roles based on individual’s resumes. Additionally, the algorithm identifies ideal career paths for each candidate, highlighting the required skills for each step in the career progression.

JobSeeker Ed

Werise solutions will provide 1-Hour training sessions on Personal Branding. These sessions will cover Resume Creation and Online Profile Optimization.

These are online/in-person workshops for jobseekers where we offer suggestions on how to improve their chances of getting noticed by recruiters and employers. The topics include online profile building, resume building and networking. 



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